Everyday people.
Caring for kids.
Keeping families connected.

Everyday people.
Caring for kids.
Keeping families connected.

Foster care provides a network of caring people who are willing to help not only the child but also the child’s family to support the child returning home.
Are you someone who could become a foster parent, a support resource to a family?

We want the best for kids in St. Louis County. That means we need the best foster parents. You may think you’re not enough but a little love can go a long way. You can be single.  You can rent.  You can be younger. You can be older. 

Foster parents are as diverse as the children for whom they care. What they share is a concern for children and a commitment to help them through tough times. They provide critical temporary care and nurturing to children in crisis. Everyday people from across St. Louis County are providing love and support to children needing foster care.

Could you be one of them?

Our application program, BINTI, will ask you to enter your email and create a password. From there, you will need to answer a short questionnaire. Once submitted, St. Louis County Child Foster Care Licensing is notified and a licensor will be assigned to you. The licensor will contact you in about a week to set up a time to meet.

The Goal of Foster Care

Foster care provides the child a safe place to heal while the family of origin works to heal themselves. Foster care provides a support network of caring and stable people who are not only willing to help the child, but also the child’s family, to support the child returning home. Most children removed from their homes return to their parents, relatives, or close friends. The support you provide to the child and family allows this to occur. Reunification is the ultimate goal for all foster children.

We Need Your Help

Children are placed with relatives or family friends whenever possible. When kids can’t safely live with someone they know, they are matched with a licensed foster provider.

Diverse Kids. Diverse Families.

Diversity includes many aspects. When kids are cared for by people that understand their diverse needs, they do better. We need people from all different backgrounds and geographic areas of St. Louis County. When kids can remain in their own school, it allows them to stay connected with their friends and support network.

Don’t Forget About the Teens

We love helping care for little ones in our county, but we cannot forget the teens. You can make a huge impact on teens’ lives; they often need the most love and compassion of all and your support can show them that they matter.

Training Provided

We provide the training and you provide the love and support. Our team will provide education and training to support you as you provide care to children; such topics may include child attachment, cultural attachments, mental health and substance use, supportive parenting, etc.

There is a need for more foster families in our area.

Could you be one of them? Find out more.

Want more information?

There are additional steps after filling out the application that can all be found here.

If you have questions or would like to get a hold of someone immediately, please do not hesitate to reach out to the following people:

North St. Louis County
Michelle Brown
(218) 471-7793

South St. Louis County
Jenny Fick
(218) 726-2309


  1. Apply
  2. Fill out paperwork
  3. Background checks conducted
  4. Home study conducted
  5. Take trainings

It varies. Sometimes the kid will be with you for a couple of days or weeks. Other times, it can be several months or several years. Each case is different and it depends on what is best for each individual child.

Yes! You do not need to be married or have a partner to foster kids.

You will need to feed, house, and clothe the child. Even more importantly, you need to provide love, support, and a safe space.

Yes. St. Louis County will provide reimbursements to cover the cost of food, clothes, and activities with the child. Each kid is also covered by our medical and dental insurance.

Yes! You will have a caseworker who will be there with anything you need. We will also connect you with other foster families for mentorship and support. You can call us at any time at xxxxxxxx.

Of course. Not all kids are going to be the right fit for a parent and not all times are going to fit for a parent. We work around your schedule and your requests to get the right kid matched with the right family. It’s okay to say no.

Yes. You are the final say on who you foster. If you want to only foster toddlers, that’s great! If you’re interested in helping teens, that’s perfect as well. You are completely in control of who you welcome into your home.

For more resources and information